Posted by Frank on Dec 9th 2024
Understanding Cold and Flu
Understanding Cold and Flu Through the Lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Cold and Flu is often viewed as a condition that affects the respiratory system. However, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the approach goes beyond just treating respiratory symptoms—TCM emphasizes addressing the pattern that has developed inside the body due to the infection and seeks to restore physiological balance. In TCM, cold and flu is often categorized into two main patterns: Wind‐Cold Syndrome and Wind‐Heat Syndrome. Each has unique symptoms and treatment strategies, as outlined below.
Wind‐Cold Syndrome
Wind‐Cold Syndrome typically manifests with symptoms such as:
- Severe chills with slight fever
- Absence of sweating
- Headache and aching extremities
- Stuffy nose with nasal discharge
- Cough with thin sputum
- Tongue with a thin, whitish coating
- Floating and tight pulse
At Griffo we have two formulas to help address Wind-cold patterns. Cerventi is our unmodified classical version of Ge Gen Tang. This ancient formula is designed specifically for wind-cold with a stiff neck, tight shoulders, and aches and pains.
Sweat it Out is our other formula for wind cold. It is a combination of two formulas that warm the body, and dry thin fluids and runny nose that often accompany wind cold infections.
Wind‐Heat Syndrome
Wind‐Heat Syndrome, on the other hand, is characterized by:
- High fever
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Yellowish sputum
- Thirst and sometimes nosebleeds
- Red tongue with a thin, yellow coating
- Floating and rapid pulse
At Griffo we have two formulas to help address Wind-Heat patterns. Febris is our unmodified classical version of Yin Qiao San. This ancient formula is designed specifically for wind-heat with a sore throat, fever and slight sweating. Classically it is taken at the first signs of illness or even at the time of exposure. Yin Qiao San is often given to kids with uncomplicated illness.
Gan Mao Ling is a modern (by TCM standards) formula designed to relieve wind heat with the addition of herbs with anti-viral properties. At Griffo, we added a few herbs from Yin Qiao San to enhance its wind-heat clearing properties.
Learning to differentiate between wind-heat and wind-cold is something we learn early in our education as acupuncturists. In real life, however, cases in the clinic can be less clear cut and more complicated. With experience, we can become quite proficient at differentiating between these two and effective at choosing the right formula for the right patient.