• Griffo Botanicals Restore Gui Pi Tang, restore the spleen decoction
Chinese herbal tincture extract



    Restore Gui Pi TangRestore the Spleen Decoction   Much more than Gui Pi Tang, Restore enhances the tonifying effects of Gui Pi Tang to powerfully restore the vital energy of the spleen, stomach, and heart while calming the spirit and quelling...

  • Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Tang Suan Zao Ren Tang, bupleurum plus dragon bone and oyster shell Griffo Botanicals Lunalux



    LunaLux Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Tang plus Zuan Zao Ren TangBupleurum Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Combination plus Zizyphus Formula Blending “moon” and “light,” LunaLux guides your patients towards a calm restful night. Infused with...

  • Gan Mao Da Zao Tang
Chinese herbal tincture extract Gan Mao Da Zao Tang
Chinese herbal tincture extract



    Pax Gan Mai Da Zao JiuLicorice, Wheat and Jujube Extract   Rooted in Shang Han Lun, this formula combines Xiao Mai, Hong Zao and Gan Cao for emotional balance.  Griffo enhances this traditional formula with two additional herbs to address...

  • Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin, five ingredient decoction 
Chinese herbal tincture extract Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin, five ingredient decoction 
Chinese herbal tincture extract



    Derma Leaf Wu Wei Xiao Du YinFive Ingredient to Eliminate Toxins   Blistering heat plaguing your skin? Dermaleaf cools from within, extinguishes fire toxins, clears superficial heat and blood heat, clearing rashes, calming itching, and redness. We...

  • Griffo Botanicals Draconis Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Tang, dragon bone and oyster shell
Chinese herbal tincture extract



    Draconis Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li TangDragon Bone and Oyster Shell Draconis can be used to address a wide variety of complaints from weak, deficient patients with an internal heat pathogen. It is often used for psychiatric disorders to calm the spirit and...

  • Cordis



    Cordis Tian Wang Bu Xin DanHeavenly Emperor's Elixir to Tonify the Heart This Chinese herbal formula is said to address the disharmony between the heart and kidneys.  When the body gets too warm there is agitation, restlessness, anxiety, and poor...

  • Griffo Botanicals Motion



    Motion Tao Hong Si Wu Tang Gently keep your circulation in motion while nourishing the blood and dispelling stagnation. Motion takes the four blood building herbs of Si Wu Tang and adds two herbs to gently increase circulation, move stasis and resolve...