• Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Tang Suan Zao Ren Tang, bupleurum plus dragon bone and oyster shell Griffo Botanicals Lunalux



    LunaLux Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Tang plus Zuan Zao Ren TangBupleurum Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Combination plus Zizyphus Formula Blending “moon” and “light,” LunaLux guides your patients towards a calm restful night. Infused with...

  • Jia Wei Xiao Yao San, bupleurum and peony, free and easy
Chinese herbal tincture extract Jia Wei Xiao Yao San, bupleurum and peony, free and easy
Chinese herbal tincture extract

    Free and Easy


    Free and Easy Plus Jia Wei Xiao Yao SanFree and Easy Powder Our classic Jia Wei Xiao Yao San offers a gentle yet effective approach to Liver Qi Stagnation and Spleen Deficiency. We’ve maintained the core formula while reducing Mu Dan Pi and Zhi Zi...

  • Grace and Ease Jia Wei Xiao Yao San
Chinese herbal tincture extract

    Grace and Ease


    Grace and Ease Jia Wei Xiao Yao SanFree and Easy Plus Drawing on decades of clinical expertise, our refined adaptation of Jia Wei Xiao Yao San is tailored for pronounced qi and blood stagnation, irritability, and heat. With the inclusion of three...

  • Suan Zao Ren Tang, sour jujube
Chinese herbal tincture extract Suan Zao Ren Tang, sour jujube
Chinese herbal tincture extract



    Zizyphus Suan Zao Ren TangSour Jujube Decoction   Our formula for individuals experiencing Liver and Heart Yin deficiency offers a nurturing path towards restful sleep. By nourishing yin, it addresses troubled sleep accompanied by excessive...

  • xiao chai hu tang, minor bupleurum decoction
Chinese herbal tincture extract Griffo Botanicals Xiao Chai Hu

    Xiao Chai Hu


    Xiao Chai Hu Xiao Chai Hu TangMinor Bupleurum Decoction   Stuck in Shaoyang limbo? Half hot/half cold? Half interior/half exterior? Clear the fever and chills, the damp invasion, the full chest and cough with Xiao Chai Hu Tang, the most iconic...

  • Griffo Botanicals Detensio Griffo Botanicals Detensio



    Detensio   Yue Ju Wan + Chai Hu Shu Gan SanEscape Restraint Pill plus Bupleurum Liver Powder Detensio is a powerful combination of Chai Hu Shu Gan San and Yue Ju Wan to address even the most stubborn cases of liver stagnation that manifests with...

  • Griffo Botanicals Draconis Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Tang, dragon bone and oyster shell
Chinese herbal tincture extract



    Draconis Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li TangDragon Bone and Oyster Shell Draconis can be used to address a wide variety of complaints from weak, deficient patients with an internal heat pathogen. It is often used for psychiatric disorders to calm the spirit and...

  • griffo botanicals within gui zhi fu ling wan acupuncture chinese herbs tincture griffo botanicals within gui zhi fu ling wan acupuncture chinese herbs tincture



    Within Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan Over 1,800 years old, this formula is renowned for its ability to invigorate blood, transform stasis, soften lumps, and alleviate fixed abdominal pain. This formula addresses conditions like blood stasis in the uterus to ease...

  • Harmonia Tong Xie Yao Feng, atractylodis macrocephala and peony, formula for painful diarrhea
Chinese herbal tincture extract



    Harmonia Tong Xie Yao FangFormula for Painful Diarrhea   Harmonia unties the tension causing Liver-Spleen disharmony - that stress knotting the gut. This formula soothes stress-driven digestion, easing bloating, indigestion, and worries. Our added...

  • Yue Ju Wan
Chinese medicine herbal tincture extract Yue Ju Wan
Chinese herbal tincture extract



    Evotus Yue Ju WanEscape Restraint Pill   Channel the dynamics of the six stagnations – qi, blood, damp, phlegm, digestion, and heat – with Evotus. Tailored for cases where stagnations obstruct digestion, causing upper GI symptoms, it...

  • Griffo Botanicals Heplene Griffo Botanicals Heplene



    Heplene Chai Hu Shu Gan SanBupleurum Powder to Spread Liver Qi “Heplene” says it all: smooth and calm the liver. This potent blend not only soothes and regulates Liver Qi, it alleviates tension, rib side pain, gastritis, and restores...