$29.95Restore Gui Pi TangRestore the Spleen Decoction Much more than Gui Pi Tang, Restore enhances the tonifying effects of Gui Pi Tang to powerfully restore the vital energy of the spleen, stomach, and heart while calming the spirit and quelling...
$29.95Solis Gui Zhi Tang This exemplar formula, like a gentle sunbeam warming a chilly pond, warms the exterior, clears pathogens, dissolves Stagnation and cold from external invasion. Solis’ real treasure, however, is the recovery from...
$29.95Gastrorest Huo Xiang Zheng Qi TangAgastache Formula Uncomfortable indigestion or stomach upset? This traditional formula offers relief for a variety of digestive concerns. It helps disperse wind-cold dampness and stagnation, promoting digestive balance...
No Eight
$29.95No. Eight Ba Zhen TangEight Treasures Decoction No Eight, tonifies the qi with four essential herbs and nourishes your blood with an additional four herbs to form the eight treasures. Feel your vitality bloom, spirits lift, and resilience awaken with...
Vim Vita
$29.95Vim Vita Bu Zhong Yi Qi TangTonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction Life force, qi, is strongly boosted from this elegant blend of herbs that tonifies the spleen and lifts the energy to promote overall health and healing. It is often...
No. Four
$29.95No. Four Si Jun Zi TangFour Gentlemen Decoction The revered “Four Gentlemen” formula precisely targets weakened qi caused by factors like overwork, excessive anxiety, and irregular eating habits. This harmonious quartet of herbs blend...
$29.95Mistrel Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang Named for the fierce northerly winds that blow over France, Mistrel supports the spleen, clears phlegm damp in the head and dispels wind to address dizziness, nausea, heavy head, difficulty concentrating and...
$29.95Shenlien Shen Ling Bai Zhu Shen Ling Bai Zhu San is a traditional Chinese herbal formula that has been used for centuries to support digestive health and strengthen the spleen. Shen Ling Bai Zhu San is believed to regulate the qi energy and tonify...
$29.95Harmonia Tong Xie Yao FangFormula for Painful Diarrhea Harmonia unties the tension causing Liver-Spleen disharmony - that stress knotting the gut. This formula soothes stress-driven digestion, easing bloating, indigestion, and worries. Our added...