$29.95BaseCamp Yu Ping Feng San plus Mushroom ComplexJade Screen Powder with Mushrooms BaseCamp is designed to be the foundation from which to start any journey. By adding five adaptogenic mushrooms and elderberry to the traditional formula, this potent...
$29.95LunaLux Chai Hu Long Gu Mu Li Tang plus Zuan Zao Ren TangBupleurum Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell Combination plus Zizyphus Formula Blending “moon” and “light,” LunaLux guides your patients towards a calm restful night. Infused with...
$29.95Restore Gui Pi TangRestore the Spleen Decoction Much more than Gui Pi Tang, Restore enhances the tonifying effects of Gui Pi Tang to powerfully restore the vital energy of the spleen, stomach, and heart while calming the spirit and quelling...
Free and Easy
$29.95Free and Easy Plus Jia Wei Xiao Yao SanFree and Easy Powder Our classic Jia Wei Xiao Yao San offers a gentle yet effective approach to Liver Qi Stagnation and Spleen Deficiency. We’ve maintained the core formula while reducing Mu Dan Pi and Zhi Zi...
Grace and Ease
$29.95Grace and Ease Jia Wei Xiao Yao SanFree and Easy Plus Drawing on decades of clinical expertise, our refined adaptation of Jia Wei Xiao Yao San is tailored for pronounced qi and blood stagnation, irritability, and heat. With the inclusion of three...
$29.95Zizyphus Suan Zao Ren TangSour Jujube Decoction Our formula for individuals experiencing Liver and Heart Yin deficiency offers a nurturing path towards restful sleep. By nourishing yin, it addresses troubled sleep accompanied by excessive...
Xiao Chai Hu
$29.95Xiao Chai Hu Xiao Chai Hu TangMinor Bupleurum Decoction Stuck in Shaoyang limbo? Half hot/half cold? Half interior/half exterior? Clear the fever and chills, the damp invasion, the full chest and cough with Xiao Chai Hu Tang, the most iconic...
$29.95Allerfree Yu Ping Feng Cang Er Zi SanJade Screen and Xanthium AllerFree offers natural support for seasonal allergies. This synergistic combination combines the strengths of Yu Ping Feng San and Cang Er Zi San to address the root causes of...
$29.95Equinox Er Xian + Er Zhi WanTwo Immortals and Two Solstice Pill The Equinox marks the change of the seasons and our formula can help with that transition. These herbs target Kidney deficiency with heat symptoms and hormone imbalances, addressing...
$29.95Solis Gui Zhi Tang This exemplar formula, like a gentle sunbeam warming a chilly pond, warms the exterior, clears pathogens, dissolves Stagnation and cold from external invasion. Solis’ real treasure, however, is the recovery from...
$29.95Gastrorest Huo Xiang Zheng Qi TangAgastache Formula Uncomfortable indigestion or stomach upset? This traditional formula offers relief for a variety of digestive concerns. It helps disperse wind-cold dampness and stagnation, promoting digestive balance...
Qing Fei Pai Du
$29.95Qing Fei Pai Du 17 herbs and 5 formulas were combined to make this powerhouse formula. This potent tincture is geared to support respiratory health, by clearing phlegm, heat, and toxins. It is the subject of multiple studies underway testing its...
No Eight
$29.95No. Eight Ba Zhen TangEight Treasures Decoction No Eight, tonifies the qi with four essential herbs and nourishes your blood with an additional four herbs to form the eight treasures. Feel your vitality bloom, spirits lift, and resilience awaken with...
$29.95Tussis Qing Qi Hua Tan WanClear Qi and Phlegm Pill Fed up with a persistent, profuse cough? We have buoyed Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan with Yu Xing Cao to tackle profuse, productive coughs. Tussis dissolves phlegm, opens the lungs, clears fire, moves qi and...
$29.95Pax Gan Mai Da Zao JiuLicorice, Wheat and Jujube Extract Rooted in Shang Han Lun, this formula combines Xiao Mai, Hong Zao and Gan Cao for emotional balance. Griffo enhances this traditional formula with two additional herbs to address...
$29.95Febris Yin Qiao SanLonicera and Forsythia Formula Derived from the Latin “febris” for fever, Yin Qiao San embodies classic heat-clearing principles. This formula clears Lung and Stomach Heat, while releasing the exterior. Taking it early can...
Gan Mao
$29.95Gan Mao Gan Mao Ling+ Yin Qiao SanGan Mao Ling Plus Lonicera and Forsythia Formula WIND-HEAT Gan Mao is a modern adaptation of a classic formula. This targeted blend empowers early intervention, acting as a first line of defense before symptoms...
$29.95Pneuma Gua Lou Zhi Shi TangTrichosanthis Fruit and Bitter Orange Decoction Purposefully modified, it efficiently disperses phlegm and alleviates stagnation, providing relief from coughs, wheezing, and chest tightness. Specifically crafted to...
$29.95Xanthii Cang Er Zi SanXanthium Powder Breathe freely again! Xanthii combats incessant nasal discharge, be it runny or thick. This powerful formula clears congested sinuses, opening your nasal passages, for renewed comfort. Experience the difference clear...
Vim Vita
$29.95Vim Vita Bu Zhong Yi Qi TangTonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction Life force, qi, is strongly boosted from this elegant blend of herbs that tonifies the spleen and lifts the energy to promote overall health and healing. It is often...
No Six
$29.95No. Six Liu Wei Di Huang WanSix Ingredient Pill These six herbs make up the foundational Kidney formula that many others are based upon. It helps to nourish, protect, and clear in order to keep the kidneys clean and strong. No. Six nourishes yin,...
$29.95Derma Leaf Wu Wei Xiao Du YinFive Ingredient to Eliminate Toxins Blistering heat plaguing your skin? Dermaleaf cools from within, extinguishes fire toxins, clears superficial heat and blood heat, clearing rashes, calming itching, and redness. We...
$29.95Cordis Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Cordis is our version of the classical Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan formula. It is designed to address disharmony between the Heart and Kidney, nourish Yin, and calm the mind. This herbal formula is used to support the...
$29.95Detensio Yue Ju Wan + Chai Hu Shu Gan SanEscape Restraint Pill plus Bupleurum Liver Powder Detensio is a powerful combination of Chai Hu Shu Gan San and Yue Ju Wan to address even the most stubborn cases of liver stagnation that manifests with...